Continuous training
Internal training focuses on spreading the value of water through initiatives for learning or updating the processes and technologies used by Acquedotto Pugliese. Objective: to manage the Integrated Water Service excellently.
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Management training
We train today's and tomorrow's managers in planning and project management. The training aims at Executives, Managers and technical and administrative staff of Acquedotto Pugliese. Objective: to raise the knowledge of these professional figures.
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Institutional training
Environmental protection is essential and training is the best way to prevent environmental disasters. We provide occupational safety training. We dedicate many courses to professionals, supervisors and managers' training.
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International training
Training knows no boundaries. Our Academy carries out various technical and management training initiatives in the context of the Integrated Water Service, also at an international level, thanks to International Contract Management and Project Financing tenders.
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Digital training
An inexhaustible source of knowledge that flows towards new learning opportunities. Innovative digital learning modalities nourish minds by providing access to new educational resources. Training and water are two essential sources of growth and development.
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Recurring training
A precious value capable of responding to training needs. Tailored knowledge invites us to look at the world of water with different eyes. Water is an invaluable resource and can only be managed with deep expertise.
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Oltre 500 giovani ingegneri partecipano al Recruiting Day AQP nel Politecnico di Bari
Direttrice Generale, Francesca Portincasa: “Il futuro dell’azienda passa dalle nuove risorse”.

CROSS WATER Save water, save future presenta Cross Water International Conference
A Bari dal 22 al 25 novembre 2022 esperti nazionali ed internazionali si confrontano sul futuro dell’acqua.
L'impegno comune di Acquedotto Pugliese e Aeroporti di Puglia su sviluppo e innovazione
I Presidenti delle due aziende hanno sottoscritto oggi a Bari un accordo di cooperazione.